Interview with cosplayer Bunny Rose

Please introduce yourself. Where do you come from and how old are you?
Hello there! My name is Bunny Rose and I hail from the South Eastern part of the United States! I am also 22 years old!

At what age did you start with the Cosplay and what made you do it?
I started attending cons with my mother who is also a huge geek at 4 years old, I started getting into cosplay around 12 years old when I started getting super into anime! I had always loved costumes/Halloween, dressing up and changing myself so when I learned about cosplay I immediately was interested and fell in love. It combined my love of geeky interests with my passion of dressing up and having fun with my appearance!

How do you choose the characters for your cosplay and which have you already done?
The cosplays I choose are based off of characters I love personally, ones that I think would be fun to make and wear as well as characters that look similar to me! The list is quite long of all the cosplays I have done so I will list my favorites which are Cammy from Street Fighter, Daenerys from Game of Thrones, Tifa Lockhart of Final Fantasy VII, Hinata of Naruto, and Misty from Pokemon!

Are you doing your costumes yourself?
I am definitely no seamstress and I'm not afraid to admit this! I do alter my cosplays though and I love making props and accessories. My Cammy gauntlets were the first MAJOR from scratch cosplay accessory/prop I had ever made and I was SUPER excited about how they turned out and have gotten a lot of wonderful reception of them! Because I am also a hairstylist my favorite thing to do with cosplay is cut and style my wigs!

For which characters would you like to do a cosplay in the future?
Some cosplays I have planned that I would like to get around to for this year, if not in the near future are D.Va of Overwatch, Hilda or May Pokemon Trainers, Bishoujo Jason Voorhees and Hatsune Miku!

Some cosplayers publish only pictures that have been edited very much with Photoshop. What do you think about it?
I believe for a photo to look professional and of high quality, doing some editing with photoshop is perfectly fine. I definitely think there is a line of OVER editing but for the most part that is totally fine in my book! 

What was your best experience as a cosplayer so far?
My best experience by far is the wonderful support and reception from those who enjoy my work. It motivates me so much receiving positive feedback for my cosplays and encourages me all the more to continue with my passion! I especially enjoy this at conventions because I am able to make new friends which is one of my favorite things to do!

Do you have any bad experiences with cosplaying?
I think anyone who cosplays is going to receive negative feedback and critiques. And that is with ANYONE who creates something and advertises themselves. I fortunately have never had a really terrible experience that stands out in my mind. 

Are you doing cosplay on conventions? Where could one see you?
Cosplay at my conventions is my FAVORITE!! I try to attend as many cons as I can in the South-east US so ones in Georgia, NC, SC and sometimes Florida!

What do you do when you're not cosplaying?
When I'm not cosplaying I love painting, playing video games, watching movies, spending time with my cat, friends and family and going out! I am a huge raver! 

What are your future plans or your greatest dreams?
My future plans are to always continue to learn all I can when it comes to my modeling and cosplaying, increasing the intricacy of my cosplays and never settling, always improving my craft!

Is there anything else you would like to say to your fans and followers?
I want to let my followers know I appreciate every single one of them!! It really means the world to me that there are people who genuinely enjoy my work and keeps me motivated to always creating more! I also just recently launched a Patreon. Cosplay is HUGE passion of mine and part of my life that can be unfortunately very costly between materials, shoots and traveling. By supporting me I will be able to regularly create new cosplays and content to share with all of my followers! And in turn those who pledge will receive all sorts of exclusive content and rewards! :D 

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Tags: Cosplay