Interview with cosplayer Cheryl aka Whoanerdalert
04/11/17 08:23 Category:Interviews
The breathtaking Cheryl is without a doubt one of the most exciting cosplayers from southern California. Fortunately, she agreed to give me a short interview.
All photos taken by Krypticframes
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All photos taken by Krypticframes
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London Film & Comic Con (Kensigton Olympia)
01/08/17 18:57 Category:Videos |Convention
I am back home from this years London Film & Comic Con. It was a great trip but very exhausting. I had fun checking out the latest toys and meet some celerities.One of the highlights for me was the classic Batmobile from the TV Show. This brings back many childhood memories. It is just too sad Adam West - the actor of the classic Batman - passed away a few month ago. West was announced to visit the convention too and it would have be amazing to meet him too.
Watch Convention Music Video on YouTube
Watch Batmobil Video on YouTube

Watch Convention Music Video on YouTube
Watch Batmobil Video on YouTube

DoKomi 2017 Video
06/06/17 21:51 Category:Convention |Videos
With the Fedcon convention taking place on the same weekend we only attended DoKomi on Sunday. It was great to be back at Messe Düsseldorf. Just leave your car in the parking lot and a shuttle bus will take you right to the place to be. Very convenient! With this kind of professionalism it is hard to tell if the DoKomi supposed to be a convention or a fair. Most of it was very commercial. They call themselves Anime & Japan Expo. But who cares as long as you can have fun? The weather was fine and at DoKomi you will find everything you heart desires.
Cosplay stuff, toys, manga, games and lots of Japanese food and snacks. Who can ask for more? Even the guys from our favorite airline were back again. Perfect if you want to travel Japan yourself. We did not see much of the showgroups only the last part of the amazing Dance-of-competition. Near the end of the day we had the chance to see the wonderful Shiroku live on stage. Followed by an autograph session with the beautiful singer.
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Cosplay stuff, toys, manga, games and lots of Japanese food and snacks. Who can ask for more? Even the guys from our favorite airline were back again. Perfect if you want to travel Japan yourself. We did not see much of the showgroups only the last part of the amazing Dance-of-competition. Near the end of the day we had the chance to see the wonderful Shiroku live on stage. Followed by an autograph session with the beautiful singer.
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Interview with Dizziedee
07/05/17 14:03 Category:Interviews
Some time ago I had the chance to meet Dizziedee at the London Film and Comic Conic. The girl from South Wales is always busy but she had the time for a short interview.
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Interview mit Don.J Cosplay und Nils
25/04/17 21:20 Category:Interviews
Im Kino kommt der Joker in vielen verschiedenen Formen. Zwei der bekanntesten Versionen verkörpern Don.J Cosplay und Nils, die ich auf der Comic Con in Frankfurt treffen konnte. Beide teilen die gleiche Leidenschaft für DC Comics beliebtesten Schurken.
Interview mit Don.J Cosplay
Interview mit Nils

Interview mit Don.J Cosplay
Interview mit Nils

Interview mit Harley Pie Cosplay
24/04/17 23:00 Category:Interviews
Auf der German Comic Con in Frankfurt hatte ich Gelegenheit, die bezaubernde Harley Pie Cosplay zu treffen. Elvira - Herrscherin der Dunkelheit ist aber nur einer ihrer Charaktere in einer Reihe von ungewöhnlichen Cosplays.
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German Comic Con Frankfurt 2017
Last Saturday the guys and me took a quick trip to Frankfurt to meet Christopher Lambert and the cast of Gotham at the German Comic Con. As always you will meet a lot of lovely cosplayers and see tons of geeky stuff to buy. When you get tired from walking around take a break and play some vintage games.
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Interview with cosplayer Bunny Rose
09/02/17 22:33 Category:Interviews
German Comic Con Dortmund 2016

Am ersten Wochenende im Dezember ging die german Comic Con in Dortmund in die zweite Runde.

On the first weekend of December, the German Comic Con went to the second round in Dortmund.
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Connichi 2016 in Kassel
28/09/16 22:35 Category:Convention |Reports
Es war eine tolle Zeit aber die Connichi 2016 ist vorbei.
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It was a great time but the Connichi 2016 is over.
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It was a great time but the Connichi 2016 is over.
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Fedcon 2016 Photo Gallery
14/06/16 21:28 Category:Convention |Photos

Star Trek feiert in diesem Jahr ihren 50. Geburtstag und das war auch auf der Fedcon zu spüren. Passend zum Anlass waren einige Schauspieler der Fernsehserie nach Deutschland gekommen. William Shatner, George Takei und Walter Konig stellten sich auf der großen Bühne mehrfach dem Publikum und erzählten aus ihren bewegten Leben.
Das Programm in den anderen Sälen war nicht weniger unterhaltsam. Dr. Hubert Zitt versuchte zu klären, ob die TV Serie Raumpatrouille Kitsch oder Kult ist. Die aus Battlestar Galactica bekannte Schauspielerin Rekha Sharmas diskutierte mit Fan über den Mythos der Serie. Vic Mignogna präsentiert persönlich die neusten Folgen der vom ihm produzierten Serie Star Trek Continues.

Star Trek is celebrating its 50th anniversary and you could feel that on this years Fedcon. In keeping with the occasion some actors of the TV series had come to Germany. William Shatner, George Takei and Walter Konig stood on the big stage several times and told the audience of their eventful lifes.
The program in the other halls was no less entertaining. Dr. Hubert Zitt tried to clarify whether the TV series Raumpatrouille is Kitsch or Cult. The actress Rekha Sharma from Battlestar Galactica discussed with fan on the myth of the series and Vic Mignogna personally presented the latest episodes his series Star Trek Continues.
Photo Gallery
Transformers Cosplay
08/06/16 21:48 Category:Convention |Videos
Transformers Cosplay @Fedcon 2016 - Bonn
Without doubt one of the coolest cosplay I've ever seen.
Without doubt one of the coolest cosplay I've ever seen.
DoKomi 2016 Photo Gallery
08/05/16 18:55 Category:Convention |Photos
DoKomi 2016 Video
05/05/16 21:44 Category:Convention |Videos

Die DoKomi 2016 ist vorbei.
Für alle Teilnehmer und alle die es verpasst haben ein kleines Video.
Zum freuen, teilen und immer wieder ansehen.

The DoKomi 2016 is over.
For all participants and all who missed it a little video.
Go forward, share and view repeatedly.
Vielen Dank / Thank you very much
Shiena Nishizawa
Lucky Chocolate Maid Cafe