Star Trek
Hed's unboxing and review of Eaglemoss Star Trek USS Titan NCC-80102
In this video I show you another spaceship from the Star Trek Starship Collection by Eaglemoss. It is the USS Titan NCC-80102 and it is a ship from the Next Generation Era.
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Unboxing Star Trek Norway Class by Eaglemoss
In this video I will show you to Norway Class starship from the Star Trek Starship Collection by Eaglemoss. It is one of the items I found at the latest Comic Convention.
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Unboxing Eaglemoss Star Trek USS Defiant NX-74205
In this video I will show you a modell of the starship Defiant from the TV show Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
It is another modell made by the the UK-based publishing company Eaglemoss Collections.
It is another modell made by the the UK-based publishing company Eaglemoss Collections.
Fedcon 2016 Photo Gallery
14/06/16 21:28 Category:Convention |Photos
Star Trek feiert in diesem Jahr ihren 50. Geburtstag und das war auch auf der Fedcon zu spüren. Passend zum Anlass waren einige Schauspieler der Fernsehserie nach Deutschland gekommen. William Shatner, George Takei und Walter Konig stellten sich auf der großen Bühne mehrfach dem Publikum und erzählten aus ihren bewegten Leben.
Das Programm in den anderen Sälen war nicht weniger unterhaltsam. Dr. Hubert Zitt versuchte zu klären, ob die TV Serie Raumpatrouille Kitsch oder Kult ist. Die aus Battlestar Galactica bekannte Schauspielerin Rekha Sharmas diskutierte mit Fan über den Mythos der Serie. Vic Mignogna präsentiert persönlich die neusten Folgen der vom ihm produzierten Serie Star Trek Continues.
Star Trek is celebrating its 50th anniversary and you could feel that on this years Fedcon. In keeping with the occasion some actors of the TV series had come to Germany. William Shatner, George Takei and Walter Konig stood on the big stage several times and told the audience of their eventful lifes.
The program in the other halls was no less entertaining. Dr. Hubert Zitt tried to clarify whether the TV series Raumpatrouille is Kitsch or Cult. The actress Rekha Sharma from Battlestar Galactica discussed with fan on the myth of the series and Vic Mignogna personally presented the latest episodes his series Star Trek Continues.
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